Develop Ineo 750i

Simply outstanding - Variety meets Quality

  • Hitrost A4/A3: 70/35 barvnih strani na minuto; 75/37 črno-belih strani na minuto
  • Formati papirja: A6-SRA3, formati po meri in format panoja do 1,2 metra dolžine
  • 10-palčna barvna plošča na dotik z večdotično podporo in namenskim mobilnim območjem na dotik je bolj praktična in prilagodljiva za današnji slog dela
  • Podajalnik dokumentov za dvojno optično branje optično hkrati prebere sprednjo in hrbtno stran obojestranskih izvirnikov s hitrostjo 240 slik na minuto
  • Popolna platforma za produktivna pisarniška okolja z modularnimi možnostmi končne obdelave in pladnja za papir
Pokličite nas +386 1 839 53 90 Pošljite povpraševanje

Izjemna produktivnost

Izjemna kvaliteta odtisa

Inteligentni katalog papirjev

Preko 45 različnih konfiguracij

Večdotična plošča

  • Po zaslugi izjemno zmogljivega 10-palčnega večdotičnega barvnega zaslona je z njim prijetneje delati: nudi enostavno krmarjenje in delovanje, ki spominja na današnje pametne telefone in tablične računalnike. Integrirano mobilno območje na dotik dvigne delovno izkušnjo in prilagodljivost na novo raven.

Prilagajanje vmesnika

  • Izboljšana učinkovitost nastavljanja manjših in zahtevnejših opravil kopiranja, tiskanja, optičnega branja in faksiranja po zaslugi enostavne prilagoditve plošče večnamenske naprave in vmesnika gonilnika tiskalnika določenim potrebam uporabnikov.


  • Hitro optično branje in tiskanje v kombinaciji z zmogljivimi funkcijami končne obdelave in podporo obsežnega nabora aplikacij in funkcij za mobilne naprave. Izbirni komplet za zaznavanje večkratnega podajanja zagotavlja optično branje vsakega posameznega izvirnika.


  • Prihranite stroške in zaščitite okolje z novimi zelenimi tehnologijami, ki zmanjšajo porabo energije in vpliv na okolje.

Vsestranska končna obdelava

  • Vsestranske možnosti končne obdelave vključujejo spenjanje, luknjanje, pregibanje do 3 listov papirja na pismo in izdelavo knjižic z do 20 listi (80 stranmi) za večjo pisarniško produktivnost in profesionalne dokumente.


System speed A4 Up to 75/70 ppm (mono/colour)
System speed A3 Up to 37/35 ppm (mono/colour)
Autoduplex speed A4 Up to 75/70 ppm (mono/colour)
1st page out time A4 2.8/3.8 sec. (mono/colour)
Warm-up time Approx. 17/18 sec. (mono/colour)¹
Imaging technology Laser
Toner technology Simitri® V polymerised toner
Panel size/resolution 10.1" / 1024 x 600
System memory 8,192 MB (standard/max)
System hard drive 256 GB SSD (standard) / 1 TB SSD (optional)
Interface 10/100/1,000-Base-T Ethernet; USB 2.0; Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n/ac (optional)
Network protocols TCP/IP (IPv4 / IPv6); SMB; LPD; IPP; SNMP; HTTP(S); Bonjour
Automatic document feeder Up to 300 originals; A6-A3; 35-210 g/m²; Dualscan ADF
ADF double feed detection Standard
Printable paper size A6-SRA3; customized paper sizes; banner paper max. 1,200 x 297 mm
Printable paper weight 52-300 g/m²
Paper input capacity 3,650 sheets / 6,650 sheets (standard/max)
Paper tray input (standard) 1x 500; A6-A3; custom sizes; 52-256 g/m²
1x 500; A5-SRA3; custom sizes; 52-256 g/m²
1x 1,500; A5-A4; 52-256 g/m²
1x 1,000; A5-A4; 52-256 g/m²
Large capacity tray (optional) 1x 3,000; A4; 52-256 g/m²
1x 2,500; A4-SRA3; custom sizes; 52-256 g/m²
Manual bypass 150 sheets; A6-SRA3; custom sizes; banner; 60-300 g/m²
Finishing modes (optional) Offset; Group; Sort; Staple; Staple (offline); Punch; Half-fold; Letter-fold; Booklet; Post insertion; Z-fold
Automatic duplexing A6-SRA3; 52-256 g/m²
Output capacity Up to 200 sheets / up to 3,300 sheets (standard/max)
Stapling output capacity Max. 200 sets
Stapling Max. 100 sheets or 98 sheets + 2 cover sheets (up to 300 g/m²)
Letter fold Max. 3 sheets
Letter fold capacity Max. 50 sets; unlimited (without tray)
Booklet Max. 20 sheets or 19 sheets + 1 cover sheet (up to 300 g/m²)
Booklet output capacity Max. 35 booklets; unlimited (without tray)
Duty cycle (monthly) Rec. 80,000 pages; Max.² 300,000 pages
Toner lifetime Black up to 28,000 pages
CMY up to 28,000 pages
Imaging unit lifetime Black up to 240,000/1,000,000 pages (drum/developer)
CMY up to 165,000/1,000,000 pages (drum/developer)
Power consumption 220-240 V / 50/60 Hz; Less than 2.10 kW
System dimension (W x D x H) 615 x 688 x 1207 mm (without options)
System weight Approx. 160.0 kg (without options)


Print resolution 1,800 (equivalent) x 600 dpi; 1200 x 1200 dpi
Page description language PCL 6 (XL3.0); PCL 5c; PostScript 3 (CPSI 3016); XPS
Operating systems Windows 7 (32/64); Windows 8.1 (32/64); Windows 10 (32/64); Windows Server 2008 (32/64); Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2019; Macintosh OS X 10.10 or later; Unix; Linux; Citrix
Printer fonts 80 PCL Latin; 137 PostScript 3 Emulation Latin
Mobile printing AirPrint (iOS); Mopria (Android); Konica Minolta Print Service (Android); Konica Minolta Mobile Print (iOS/Android)
optional: WiFi Direct
Print controller Embedded Fiery IC-420
Controller CPU AMD GX-424CC @ 2.4 GHz
Memory/HDD 4,096 MB / 500 GB
Page description language Adobe PostScript 3 (CPSI 3020); PCL 6; PCL 5c
Operating systems Windows 7 (32/64); Windows 8.1 (32/64); Windows 10 (32/64); Windows Server 2008 (32/64); Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2019; Macintosh OS X 10.10 or later; Linux


Scan speed Up to 140/140 ipm in simplex (mono/colour)
Up to 280/280 ipm in duplex (mono/colour)
Scan resolution Up to 600 x 600 dpi
Scan modes Scan-to-eMail (Scan-to-Me); Scan-to-SMB (Scan-to-Home); Scan-to-FTP; Scan-to-Box; Scan-to-USB; Scan-to-WebDAV; Scan-to-DPWS; Scan-to-URL; TWAIN scan
File formats JPEG; TIFF; PDF; Compact PDF; Encrypted PDF; XPS; Compact XPS; PPTX; PDF/A 1a and 1b
optional: Searchable PDF; Searchable DOCX/PPTX/XLSX
Scan destinations 2,000 destinations + 100 groups; LDAP support


Copy resolution 600 x 600 dpi
Gradation 256 gradations
Multicopy 1-9,999
Original format Max. A3
Magnification 25-400% in 0.1% steps; Auto-zooming


Fax standard Super G3 (optional)
Fax transmission Analogue; i-Fax; Colour i-Fax; IP-Fax
Fax resolution Up to 600 x 600 dpi
Fax compression MH; MR; MMR; JBIG
Fax destinations 2,000 single + 100 groups
Fax modem Up to 33.6 Kbps


Storable documents Up to 3,000 documents or 10,000 pages
Type of user boxes Public; Personal (with password or authentication); Group (with authentication)
Type of system boxes Secure print; Encrypted PDF print; Fax receipt; Fax polling
Brochure logos OS Windows 10 compatible; Windows 8 compatible; Windows 7 compatible; Macintosh compatible; Linux compatible; Citrix certified


Security ISO15408 Common Criteria; IP filtering and port blocking; SSL3 and TLS1.0/1.1/1.2 network communication; IPsec support; IEEE 802.1x support; User authentication; Authentication log; Secure print; Kerberos; Hard drive overwrite; Hard drive data encryption (AES 256); Confidential fax; Print user data encryption optional: Antivirus realtime scanning (Bitdefender®); Copy protection (Copy Guard, Password Copy)
Accounting Up to 1,000 user accounts; Active Directory support (user name + password + e-mail + smb folder); User function access definition; Authentication by mobile device (Android)
optional: Biometric authentication (finger vein scanner); ID card authentication (ID card reader); Authentication by mobile device (iOS)
Software Net Care Device Manager; Data Administrator; Box Operator; Web Connection; Print Status Notifier; Driver Packaging Utility; Log Management Utility

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MICOPY d.o.o., Nožiška cesta 9, SI-1241 Kamnik

+386 1 839 53 90
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